
The center of the medical treatment of cancer uses cytotoxic drugs whose purpose is to destroy cancer cells. Cytotoxic agents are introduced into the body intravenously or in the pill form. Once in the bloodstream, they are spread throughout the body.

Cytostatic agents have different mechanism of action, but their common goal is to influence the genotype of cancer cells and the metabolism, in order to destroy cancer cells. Cytotoxic drugs affect all dividing cells. Cancer cells are exposed to more severe effects of these substances, because their division is much faster than the division of healthy cells. Chemotherapy cycle is carried out at intervals, during which a normal tissue, unlike cancer ones, has time to recover. Thus, the number of cancer cells is reduced each time. In the presence of small amounts of tumor cells (e.g., after surgery) patient may get a complete cure.

Duration of chemotherapy is based on a form of cancer. The duration of treatment of localized forms of cancer, in which chemotherapy is used in combination with surgery and / or a course of radiation therapy, is different from the duration of the treatment of metastatic cancer. In the first case, the duration of chemotherapy is usually 4-6 months.

Over the course of therapy, patient is observed with special attention, and the result is checked by scanning. In some cases it is possible to use tumor markers, the amount of which varies depending on the activity of cancer.

Cytotoxic drugs are administered intravenously, and in most cases the procedure is repeated with an interval of three weeks. Sometimes, however, it requires more intensive treatment, in which intravenous injections of drugs are carried out weekly. Each drug has its own dosage. Duration of treatment also varies – from 30 minutes to several hours. In chemotherapy premedication to prevent hypersensitivity reactions is often used, as well as intravenous hydration.

The last years have shown that the oncology is surmountable, so today, a person can choose from a variety of methods, including conducting the effective prevention of cancer. This gives hope for a second chance for most patients.

Many of us have often asked ourselves: “Why is the number of the cancer diseased so high?”. Lack of information deficits and the high cost of medicines, lack of experienced professionals – these are just a small list of causes of high mortality in oncology.

In addition, the important role is played by the fact that many patients go to the doctor too late, when Oncology reaches its climax. After all, any experienced doctor will tell you that the disease is easier to prevent, or even win, if it is still early. A successful fight against cancer is a result of timely diagnosis, and no doubt is an important role in prevention of cancer. Oncology. Diagnosis and treatment.

The most effective method for diagnosing cancer is a three-dimensional computer diagnostics, which gives the most accurate data on the size and density of tumor tissues of patients. Following the diagnosis of doctors it is much easier to assign adequate and effective treatment for diseases such as oncology.

Currently, the most common methods of struggle with cancer are:

  • Drug therapy, which often involves hormone therapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery


Gleevec est une avancée décisive dans le traitement du cancer qui a amélioré le pronostic des personnes atteintes de tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales et de leucémie myéloïde chronique. Sa stratégie personnalisée, qui consiste à bloquer des protéines particulières favorisant la croissance du cancer, démontre l’efficacité de la médecine de précision dans le traitement de maladies complexes.


La prise de tamoxifène et la chimiothérapie font partie des décisions prises par les femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein. Les avantages de ces traitements l’emportent sur les risques – en particulier, la possibilité d’un accident vasculaire cérébral ? Cette étude a comparé l’utilisation du tamoxifène et de la chimiothérapie chez 179 femmes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral après un diagnostic de cancer du sein et chez 353 femmes du même âge ayant survécu à un cancer du sein et n’ayant pas subi d’accident vasculaire cérébral.


Sprycel, également connu sous le nom de Dasatinib, est un médicament utilisé pour traiter la leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA Ph+) et la leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC), deux cancers associés au chromosome Philadelphie. Il appartient à la classe des inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase, qui inhibent des protéines spécifiques favorisant la croissance des cellules cancéreuses.