Mobic (Meloxicam)

Last updated on April 28, 2024

Where to buy Mobic?

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Mobic may be marketed under different names in various countries. All of them contain Meloxicam as main ingredient. Some of them are the following: Acticam, Aflamid, Afloxx, Aglan, Ainecox, Alivian, Aliviodol, Anflatox, Animelox, Anposel, Anpre, Antrend, Areloger, Aremil, Arrox, Arsitec, Arthrobic, Arthrox, Artrifilm, Artriflam, Artrilom, Artrilox, Artritec, Artrozan, Aspicam, Atiflam, Atrozan, Auricam, Auroxicam, Axius, Bexx, Bicapain, Bienex, Bioflac, Bioxicam, Bixicam, Bronax, Brosiral, Cameloc, Camelot, Camelox, Celomix, Co meloxicam, Coxamer, Coxflam, Coxicam, Coxylan, Desinflamex, Diatec, Docmeloxi, Doctinon, Dolocam, Dolxicam, Dominadol, Dormelox, Dortex, Duplicam, Ecax, Ecwin, Enflar, Examel, Exel, Exen, Farmelox, Flamatec, Flamoxi, Flasicox, Flelox, Flexicam, Flexican, Flexidol, Flexium, Flexiver, Flexocam, Flexol, Flodin, Flumidon, Galoxiway, Gesicox, Hyflex, Iamaxicam, Iaten, Iconal, Ilacox, Indager, Infomel, Inicox, Isox, Laboxicam, Lador, Lamocox, Latonid, Lem, Leutrol, Lexpram, Lonaflam, Lormed, Loxam, Loxibach, Loxibest, Loxiflam, Loxiflan, Loxil, Loximed, Loxinic, Loxitan, Loxitenk, M-cam, Malflam, Marlex, Masflex, Mavicam, Maxoflam, Mecalox, Mecam, Mecon, Mecox, Medoxicam, Meflen, Meksun, Mel-OD, Mel-od, Melarthryl, Melartin, Melartrin, Melcam, Melecox, Melflam, Melic, Melicam, Melican, Melice, Melixin, Melobax, Melocalm, Melocam, Melock, Melocox, Melodim, Melodin, Melodol, Melodyn, Meloflex, Melogen, Melokan, Meloksam, Meloksikam merck, Melokssia, Melonan, Melonax, Melonex, Meloprol, Melora, Melorac, Melorem, Melorilif, Melosteral, Melotec, Melotev, Melotop, Melovax, Melovis, Melox, Meloxan, Meloxep, Meloxeron, MeloxiLek, Meloxibell, Meloxic, Meloxicam enolat, Meloxicam winthrop, Meloxicamum, Meloxid, Meloxidyl, Meloxifen, Meloxigran, Meloxikam ivax, Meloxil, Meloximek, Meloxin, Meloxistad, Meloxitor, Meloxivet, Meloxiwin, Meloxx, Melpor, Melus, Menflixil, Meomel, Meosicam, Mepedo, Merapiran, Mesoxicam, Metacam, Metacox, Metosan, Mevamox, Mevilox, Mexan, Mexilal, Mexolan, Mexpharm, Mextran, Miogesil, Miolox, Mirlox, Mobec, Mobex, Mobicam, Mobicox, Mobiflex, Mobiglan, Mobimed, Mone, Movacox, Movalis, Movasin, Movatec, Movaxin, Movi-cox, Movicox, Movix, Movox, Movoxicam, Mowin, Moxalid, Moxam, Moxic, Moxicam, Muvera, Méloxicam, Nacoflar, Niflamin, Nodolex, Noflamen, Nor mobix, Normelox, Notpel, Novem, Nulox, Ocam, Ostelox, Oxa, Oximal, Parocin, Partial, Philipon-S, Pms-meloxicam, Promotion, Rafree, Recoxa, Remacam, Rentilox, Reosan, Retoflam, Reumafen, Reumotec, Reumotherm, Rhemacox, Rheumocam, Romacox, Rumonal, Runomex, Sanetron, Saniflam, Sition, Skudal, Starmelox, Supercad, Taucaron, Telaren, Telaroid, Tenaron, Transantor, Trisedan, Tropofin, Uticox, Valoxin, Velcox, Vexicam, Zametrixal, Zeloxim, Zerelin, Zicam, Ziloxican, Zix.

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Mobic Tablets for Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Since 80% of Americans over 65 now have osteoarthritis, there will likely be a growing need for effective pain management as the population ages. There are still millions of people looking for a safe, effective treatment. Many people with arthritis try several drugs and discover that they are either ineffective or have unpleasant side effects that make it difficult to tolerate the prescription. While some patients give up, others continue their hunt. 

When starting therapy or stopping existing therapies, patients have a new option with Mobic (Meloxicam) pills. On April 14, 2000, the FDA approved the use of Mobic for the once-daily treatment of osteoarthritis. Abbott Laboratories and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. will jointly sell the medication. Mobic belongs to the COX-2 inhibitor class. For patients who need it, the starting dose is 7.5 mg daily; in some cases, the dosage can be increased to 15 mg daily. 

How It Works

 The NSAID mobic has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties in animal models. Meloxicam’s mode of action could be associated with suppression of prostaglandin synthetase (cyclooxygenase-2). 

 In the US, a double-blind controlled trial comprising 464 patients receiving 12-week treatment looked at Mobic for treating osteoarthritis in the hip and knee. In a comparison, placebo and Mobic (3.75 mg, 7.5 mg, and 15 mg) were used. The overall WOMAC score (which accounts for pain, function, and stiffness) and the global assessments made by the patient and the investigator as well as the patient’s pain assessment all significantly improved in patients who took Mobic 7.5 mg and 15 mg daily. 

Additionally, six double-blind, active-controlled trials conducted outside of the United States with 9,589 patients receiving treatment for four weeks to six months evaluated the utility of Mobic for controlling the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. The efficacy of diclofenac SR 100 mg/day and piroxicam 20 mg/day was similar to that of Mobic (meloxicam) 7.5 mg/day and 15 mg/day, which aligns with the US trial’s findings.

However, compared to both medications, Mobic was shown to be more well tolerated. In one study, the incidence of adverse events was significantly lower in the Mobic group (22.5%) than in the Piroxicam group (27.9%). This difference was caused mainly by the Mobic group experiencing significantly fewer adverse gastrointestinal events (10.3% vs. 15.4%) than the piroxicam group. Compared to piroxicam, Mobic caused individual GI problems such as dyspepsia (3.4% vs. 5.8%), nausea/vomiting (2.5% vs. 3.4%), and stomach discomfort (2.1% vs. 3.6%) far less frequently. In the piroxicam group, there were 16 individuals with upper gastrointestinal tract perforations, ulcerations, or bleeding, compared to seven in the Mobic group.

In a different research, patients taking Mobic reported fewer side effects than those taking diclofenac. Compared to diclofenac (19%), there were fewer GI adverse events (13%) to account for this. When using Mobic (meloxicam) instead of diclofenac, there was a significant decrease in the most prevalent GI side effects, such as dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. Compared to seven patients on diclofenac, five patients on Mobic developed a perforation, ulcer, or bleeding. Compared to the four groups receiving diclofenac, the Mobic group had no endoscopically confirmed ulcer complications.

What a Patient Should Know

Mobic tablets should not be used by patients with known allergies to meloxicam, aspirin, or other conventional NSAIDs. Additionally, women who may be pregnant should not use Mobic tablets. Similar to other NSAIDs, Mobic may result in gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in individuals with bleeding problems or those on anticoagulants like warfarin. As a result, patients should be informed about the warning signs and symptoms of this kind of bleeding and encouraged to get help as soon as possible. 

The most frequent adverse effects linked to Mobic are dyspepsia, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Additionally, patients should notify their doctors of any edema, skin rash, or unexpected weight gain.

Patients with heart failure, hypertension, liver or renal impairment, or fluid retention should use Mobic (meloxicam) cautiously (because some patients taking Mobic have had fluid retention and edema). Lithium, furosemide, and ACE medications may interact with motbic. Patients who use these medications should let their doctors know.

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